To pee or not to pee... That is the question
Baba Gyani Triviani said:
"To pee or not to pee... That is the question"
Two fantastic urinals in restaurant Krishi
Urinal 1 - The guy who is peeing here will be on display to the guy who opens the door, who had gone in to take a dump... So, that guy should either wait till this guy is done peeing, or stand and watch this guy... Talk about planning!

Urinal 2 - The guy who is peeing here will be on display to the guy who is washing his hands - Who the hell uses a glass partition?
"To pee or not to pee... That is the question"
Two fantastic urinals in restaurant Krishi
Urinal 1 - The guy who is peeing here will be on display to the guy who opens the door, who had gone in to take a dump... So, that guy should either wait till this guy is done peeing, or stand and watch this guy... Talk about planning!

Urinal 2 - The guy who is peeing here will be on display to the guy who is washing his hands - Who the hell uses a glass partition?
