I am from a country where...

Baba Gyani Triviani said:
"I sometimes don't understand what is happening around me... And yet I am called a Swami who knows all - I don't understand that either"

I am from a country where...
  • people are actually fighting to be called "Backward" and show proof also to support it
  • most people are either khota or under quota
  • people become happy for introducing more reservations and quotas and don't realise that it is dividing people on more lines than already existing
  • the benchmark for calling someone minority got erased long back. There exists only one rule - Hindus are majorities, everyone else is a minority
  • people run marathons for causes... that's it! [Artistick makes fun of marathons here]
  • I am made to listen to opinions of a VJ (who was uncomfortable because there was nobody to press the *BEEP* button) who is sitting with top Army officials and top politicians about diplomatic issues.
  • I am made to read the opinions about any thing on earth of the same fashion "gurus" who do nothing more than booze, get caught with drugs, appear on page 3. (And you call ME a Swami who knows all...)
  • people throw stones at random shops and break window panes and wind shields of buses because an actor died a natural death. Hey! That's the way they show their remorse... But I wonder why they were grinning though
  • we have a majority of minorities
  • the media is capable of swaying a large number of people at the same time, and many times, the media is wrong themselves.
  • students are committing suicide for a separate state. One precious life lost, and I am not sure how their deaths are supposed to do anything.
  • the grandchild usually gets to hear the result of the case fought by the grandparent.
  • everyone wants to be number one when it comes to traffic, and nowhere else
India continues to be the single greatest country in the world - Many people may not appreciate it and may point out at the various flaws, poverty, illiteracy, etc. But we continue to progress in spite of all these issues.

Just imagine the situation, if we didn't have corruption, and value was given to merit, and speed of justice was increased ten fold...


Adarsh said…
Rich country inhabited by poor people...
Unknown said…
dude these minority ppl like being in a state of minority( which they dont actually) but when we actually point out that they r minority they tend to become anger about it n we could b jailed if we called them by any names which they used to b called before.. n they love being in a minority state. what a pathetic country we livin in..
Unknown said…
dude these minority ppl like being in a state of minority( which they dont actually) but when we actually point out that they r minority they tend to become anger about it n we could b jailed if we called them by any names which they used to b called before.. n they love being in a minority state. what a pathetic country we livin in..

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