The Consumer Court Case - Samsung vs Gulagulaananda

Swami Gulagulaananda said: " Jaago Grahak, Jaago " Pick up any book on startups, and you'll always find customer-centricity as a core tenet for a company. " Give the customer what they want, and the rest shall follow " advise the pundits. While evolving from resource crunched scrappy startups to competition-trampling behemoths, companies often develop a flippant attitude towards their customers. If you are lucky, you will even experience it blossoming into effrontery. In this post, I want to share my excruciating experience with Samsung, and how a consumer can fight back Goliath. Wardrobe Dry A year ago, we decided to upgrade our washing machine. Our IFB machine had been serving us well, but we still need to put our clothes out for drying. Rather than opting for an additional dryer, we thought of going for an all-in-one washer-dryer machine. These machines have modes called Wardrobe Dry , and as the name suggests, spit out clothes so dry that you can directly ...